international contribution
Towards a region where diverse values can be respected
There are currently over 1,000 foreigners living in Chitose City. Since we hired a Vietnamese person in 2016, we now have 27 foreigners working at our company, and employees from nine countries, including Japanese, interact with each other through communication that transcends the barriers of language and culture. I am deepening my understanding. We value our connections with the local community in order to make the city a better place to live, not only for those within the company, but also for everyone living in the area.
刑務所出所者、少年院出院者、一人ひとりの更生を企業みんなで支える環境をつくっています。代表の瀧 雄一は千歳地区協力雇用主会会長、保護司を務めており、職親プロジェクトでの活動を通し地域と連携しながら社会復帰を願う出所者や生活困窮者の雇用を進め、安心して暮らせる生活環境を提供することで再犯防止にもつなげています。
Hiring people released from prison
Supporting social reintegration and creating a peaceful region
We are creating an environment in which the entire company supports the rehabilitation of each individual, including those released from prison and juvenile training schools. Representative Yuichi Taki serves as the chairman of the Chitose District Cooperating Employers Association and a probation officer. Through his activities in the Shokugya Project, he collaborates with the local community to promote the employment of people who have been released from prison and are in need, and who wish to return to society, providing peace of mind. By providing a comfortable living environment, we also help prevent recidivism.
career learning
Towards a region where children can carve out their future
Through career lectures and hands-on experiences, we are conducting career learning at elementary and junior high schools in the city so that children can become interested in unknown knowledge and experiences, expand their options, and acquire the courage to boldly take on challenges and the will to live. . We believe that in order to create an environment where local children can have dreams and hopes, it is essential for schools and local communities to work together and build a cooperative system toward the same goal.